31. 12. 2010

Happy New Year


Credit: freebie Oh, what a night by MK design. Thank you

Purple Love, MaryPop

Beautiful last kit or this year by MaryPop - Purple Love.
It contains 10 papers and 70 elements.

I used photo from deviant art by suicide bee.

23. 12. 2010

My Happy World, Marta designs

New kit My Happy World by Marta designs
The kit contains 9 papers and 53 elements.
I created my layout with a photograph from deviant art.
Thank you for visiting....

17. 12. 2010

Breath of Magic, collab MaryPop and Starlight designs

Wonderful magical collab by MaryPop and Starlight designs.
The kit contains 18 papers and 104 elements.

GSO from dida1357. Thank you....

16. 12. 2010

Happy Birthday, Ondra!!!

Today my son Ondra celebrates his 5th Birthday.
All the best to you.
I love you, my sweetheart.

Credit: collab Make a wish by ZuzanaH and Cucciola designs, number 5 is from him2him by PST designs, nail from BoyZone by SussieM.
Thank you for visiting...

Play of colors, Marta designs

New kit Play of colors contains 50 elements and 9 papers.

13. 12. 2010

This golden christmas night by Tempus fugit

Wonderful golden - red kit named This golden christmas night by a new designer Tempus fugit 
Thank you for visiting...

Nádherný zlatě rudý kit This golden christmas night od nové designerky v Scrapinsideru Tempus fugit.
Zakoupit můžete v Scrapinsider
Díky za návštěvu....

12. 12. 2010

Sales Marta designs

Marta designs´ big sales!!

10. 12. 2010

Believe in Miracle, MaryPop

Only few days before Christmas... We have last time to make some gifts for our family and friends... The kit Believe in Miracle by MaryPop contains over 60 elements and 9 papers.
Available @ SPD

9. 12. 2010

Somewhere In Between

New wonderful collab Somewhere In Between by Marta designs and Starlight designs
It contains 15 papers and 100 elements.
I have created layout inspired by shadelia and it´s RAK for Gabka. Photo by Siťa

GSO from leacindy. Thank you so much:-)

Is coming this time, Marta designs

New mini kit Is coming this time by Marta designs.
It contains 4 papers and 40 elements.
Available @ A5D
Photo from deviant art.
Thank you for visiting..

GSO from Nirina. Thank you very much:-)

3. 12. 2010

Keep smiling!, A-liya designs

Keep smiling! is kit by new designer at Scrapinsider by A-liya designs.
It contains 6 papers and 66 elements.
You can buy it 

Wa on my layout is by me.

Thank you for visiting....

2. 12. 2010

Violin Secret, Marta designs

New really wonderful kit in white and purple colors Violin Secret by Marta designs.
It contains 70 elements, 9 papers.

1. 12. 2010

Last year memories, Scrapinsider collab

 Today goes into the shop new wonderful winter - christmas collab by Scrapinsider´s designers.
The kit contains 70 papers and 115 elements. 

27. 11. 2010

Snow fun, Marta designs

Snow fun by Marta designs contains 70 elements and 9 papers.

26. 11. 2010

Christmas Joy, MaryPop

New wonderful christmas kit in different style in pink, silver and white colors.
Buy it @ SPD

Cold by Peek a Boo design

Kit Cold by new designer @ Scrapinsider Peek a Boo design

20. 11. 2010

Winter Rhapsody, ZuzanaH designs - kit and christmas cards

This wonderful winter - a little bit xmas kit Winter Rhapsody by ZuzanaH designs contains 55 elements ( without or with realistic dropshadows ) and 9 papers. 
You can buy it @ Oscraps
České a slovenské zákaznice mohou zakoupit
GSO od Veternice. Jani děkuju moc.

She prepared alsou Xmas cards with this kit. It´s set of 5 christmas card and you can buy it
Pohlednice můžete zakoupit zde

18. 11. 2010

Lead Time, collab Marta and Golden Sun designs

Wonderful collab Marta designs and Golden Sun designs named Lead Time
Collab contains 101 elements, 16 papers and 5 wa. 

15. 11. 2010

Babinetky collab Ledové Vánoce/ Ice Christmas

Pohled do kalendáře nám prozradí, že za chvíli tu máme Vánoce. Jistě se všichni těšíme na ten krásný čas. I my Babinetky bychom chtěly k této pohodě přispět a proto jsme tu s dárkem pro vás. Chtěly bychom vás obdarovat naším novým collabem Ledové Vánoce. Na tomto collabu s námi spolupracovala designerka ZuzanaH, která nás naučila spoustě nových věcí a bez její pomoci by tento collab nevznikl. Doufáme, že se vám bude líbit a přinese vám mnoho radosti.
A look at the calendar tells you that Christmas, the time you are all looking forward to, is soon here. We, Babinet girls, would also like to contribute to the wonderful Christmas holiday atmosphere; therefore we are here with a gift for you. We are happy to present our new collab „Icy Christmas“ to you. ZuzanaH, a designer, collaborated with us on the collab. She taught us a lot of useful things and without her help there would be no collab. We hope you will like it and that it will bring you much joy.

Dříve než rozjedeme vánoční vlak, je tu ještě něco, co vám chceme říci.
Vánoce jsou nejen časem, kdy myslíme na své blízké, své rodiny, ale i časem, kdy myslíme a pomáháme lidem, kteří mají v životě méně štěstí a naši pomoc potřebují.
My Babinetky pomáháme človíčkům, kteří mají těžký start do života. Jsou to BabyKlokánci. Prosíme vás, otevřete svá srdce a zkuste i vy pomoci malým bojovníčkům.
Zde jsou oficiální stránky www.babyklokanci.blogspot.com a zde číslo účtu 378 935 4052/5500. Děkujeme.

Before we set on a Christmas ride, there is something we need to tell you. Christmas is the time when we think of our close ones and our families but we also think of people who need our help because they are less lucky than we are. We, Babinetky, help the little ones who have a bad start into life - we help BabyKangaroos. We would like to ask you to open your hearts and try to help the little fighters. The official website is www.babyklokanci.blogspot.com and the bank account number 378 935 4052/5500 CZK. Thank you for all the little ones we will be able to help thanks to you. 

Už se nemůžete dočkat? Tak jdeme na to!! Vítejte na naší vánoční jízdě..
Can’t wait? Go ahead and enjoy our Christmas ride.

Celý collab je na 14 blozích. U každé Babinetky, která ke collabu přispěla, najdete link ke stažení její části a odkaz na blog, kde čeká další střípek mozaiky. Až projedete všech 14 blogů, máte celý collab a můžete se pustit do scrapování.

The whole collab is on 14 blogs. Each Babinetka that contributed in the collab has got a download link for her part of the collab and a link for another blog. As soon as you go through all 14 blogs you have got the whole collab and can start scrapping. 

 Vítá vás 13. zastávka Verulinka76
Welcome to the 13th stop at Verulinka76

Mojí část naleznete ZDE
heslo: babinetky
My part you can find HERE
password: babinetky

Jestli se vám moje část líbí, zanechte mi komentář. Díky
If you like my part, leave me some comment. Thanks

 Další a zároveň poslední zastávkou je ZuzanaH designs
The next and the last stop is at ZuzanaH designs



Who lost mitten, Lumik

New designer at Scrapinsider Lumik and her wonderful winter kit Who lost mitten.
The kit contains 13 papers and 71 really wonderful elements.
Buy it @ Scrapinsider.

12. 11. 2010

Již brzy / Coming soon

Nový super collab Babinetek
Blogtrain vyjíždí v pondělí 15/11 ve 20.00
New super collab by Babinetky
Blogtrain starts on monday 15/11 at 20.00

Neverending dream, MaryPop

This kit takes us to land of dreams, never ending dreams... You can create with this set very beautiful and magic pages! The whole kit contains 60 elements and 13 papers.
@ SPD.

11. 11. 2010

BabyKlokánci, BabyKangaroos

podporují děti předčasně narozené nebo děti nemocné,
nejenom pro přežití ale i pro užívání života.
Pokud byste chtěli pomoci nebo sami pomoc potřebujete,
naleznete více informací zde

support babies born prematurely and sick newborns.
Not only for survival but also for enjoying life.
If you want to help, you can find more information here

Pro leták v češtině jsem použila kit Next love memory od PST designs.
Pro leták v angličtině jsem použila Jungleland od Em-ka designs.
For czech version leaflet I used kit Next love memory by PST designs.
For english version leaflet I used kit Jungleland by Em-ka designs.

Letter to Santa Claus, Marta designs

New fantastic mini kit Letter to Santa Claus by Marta designs. It contains 4 papers, 40 elements and 5 wa.

8. 11. 2010

Realta, Madelief designs

Very extensive and complete winter kit in bright colors. Be used not only for the holidays, but also for many other purposes. It contains 17 papers and 80 elements.